Frederik Stjernfelt
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Below you find a selection of my papers free to download and study
“Biosemiotics as Material and Formal Ontology”
”Simple Animals and Complex Biology. The double von Uexküll inspiration in Cassirer’s philosophy”
“Man the Abstract Animal: Diagrams, Abstraction, and the Semiotic Missing Link”
"The Concept of Nature in Kant"
"Natural Propositions: The Evolution of Semiotic Self-Control"
“The Signifying Body. A Semiotic Concept of Embodiment”
“A Natural Symphony? The Actuality of J. von Uexküll’s Bedeutungslehre for the Semiotics of Our Day
Stjernfelt & SU Thomsen "Absolut Røde Mor"
"Authenticities and their Conflicts: Genuine Challenges of Museology"
"Vitalismen som problemløser, i Harald Bergstedts exempel"
“La ligne carlaire. Det betydningsbærende i Barks’ streg”
"Glad to Be Alive: Stanley Kubrick's "Eye's Wide Shut""
“Klaus Høeck - forfatterportræt”
"Hed, massiv, kølig, porøs. København i forskellige hjemstavnsromaner - Katrine Marie Guldager og Jokum Rohde"
“Thøger Larsen - forfatterportræt”
Freedom of Speech
BRÆNDTE BØGER I. "Kan man give en lussing uden selv at have nogen? Den mærkelige historie om fejden mellem de danske lutheranere og tidlig tysk oplysning"
BRÆNDTE BØGER II. "Fritænkeren og radikalpietisten Dippel på bålet i Altona”
BRÆNDTE BØGER III. "Landsforvisningen af en radikal livlæge - Struensees morfar ved Christian VIs hof"
BRÆNDTE BØGER IV "Sjælevandring og verdensforbedring på bålet: Georg Schade. Optrævlingen af et dansk hemmeligt selskab i 1760"
"Glemsomme steder"
"Pressure on Press Freedom. The Current Religious War on Freedom of Expression”
Mchangama og Stjernfelt "Publicitetens Tribunal – Michael Birckner, trykkefrihedens danske teoretiker"
"Tolerance og Tonerance: Truslen mod det oplyste tolerancebegreb"
Intellectual History
"Stueplanten, der blev radikaler. Brandes' Kierkegaard-biografi - en ødelæggende hyldest"
"The Struggle of Titans: Ernst Jünger and Ernst Cassirer: Vitalist and Enlightenment Philosophies of Technology in Weimar Germany"
"Den dovne og den sløve. Cassirer-Heidegger diskussionen som prisme for modsætningen mellem livsfilosofi og erkendelsesteori"
"Oplysningens begyndelse – afsløringen af de Tre Bedragere. En lille bog med stor effekt”
Frederik Stjernfelt (og Søren Ulrik Thomsen): Kritik af den negative opbyggelighed
Life Itself: Philosophy of Life and Conservatism
Literary Theory
Frederik Stjernfelt and Nikolaj Zeuthen "The Representation of Consciousness in Language and Fiction A Cognitive Theory of Enunciation"
“Der findes ikke længere ulve i England. Læseren og det litterære værks generalitet”
"Five Types of Schematic Iconicity in the Literary Text - an Extension of the Ingardenian Viewpoint"
Frederik Stjernfelt and Nikolaj Zeuthen "S
imultaneous Narration: A Closer Look. Comments On A Recent Narrative Phenomenon"
Bundgaard & Stjernfelt (eds.) "Investigations Into the Phenomenology and the Ontology of the Work of Art"
Peirce and Philosophy of Science
"Swampman encounters an Immediate Object. Social and psychological reductions of signs: some discussions of the critics of Natural Propositions"
"Blocking evil infinites. A Note on a Note on a Peircean Strategy"
"Corollarial and Theorematical Reasoning With Diagrams"
Diagrammatology. An Investigation on the Borderlines of Phenomenology, Ontology, and Semiotics, 2006 preprint version
“Moving Pictures of Thought. Diagrams as Centerpiece in a Peircean Epistemology”
"Dicisigns: Peirce's Semiotic Doctrine of Propositions"
"Dicisigns and Habits. Implicit propositions and habit-taking in Peirce's pragmatism"
"How to Learn More: An Apology for a Strong Concept of Iconicity”
"Iconicity of Logic - and the Roots of the “Iconicity” Concept"
"Operational and Optimal Iconicity in Peirce's Diagrammatology"
“Peirce som neokantianer?”
"Strategies of Research: Peirce's Enlightenment Maxims"
"Who is Michael Wo-Ling Ptah-Hotep Jerolomon? Literary Interpretation as Thought Experiment”
"Phenomenology and Logic in Peirce"
"Cows, Red Cows, and Red Herrings: A Graphical Experiment Addressing Natural Classes in the Young Peirce" (LARGE DOC)
Emmeche Køppe & Stjernfelt: "Levels, Emergence, and Three Versions of Downward Causation"
Emmeche Køppe & Stjernfelt: "Explaining Emergence. Towards an Ontology of Levels"
Pictures and Diagrams
"Schematic Aspects of an Aesthetics of Diagrams"
Østergaard & Stjernfelt "Diagrammatic Problem Solving"
”How Do Pictures Act? Two Semiotic Aspects of Picture Activity”
"Christ Levitating and the Vanishing Square: Diagrams in Picture Analysis"
"Forgotten Twins. Reason and Visuality"
"Small Outline of a Theory of the Sketch"
"Two Iconicity Notions in Peirce’s Diagrammatology”
"Den islamistiske sympatisør-sump. Hvem er det vi er oppe imod?"
"Dialog-mysteriet. Mareridt: Er Aarhus Universitet blevet ført bag lyset af en Dan Brown-agtig mystikerkult vendt imod den moderne verden?"
”Islamisme - en højrefløjsextremisme?”
"Karisma og proto-religion i moderne populærkultur"
"Secularism is a Fundamentalism! The background to a problematic claim”
Baldr og verdensdramaet i den nordiske mytologi
“Categories, Diagrams, Schemata. The Grasping of Ideal Objects in Husserl and Peirce”
"Dicisigns and Cognition: The Logical Interpretation of the Ventral-Dorsal Split in Animal Perception"
"Fabeldyret som tankekategori"
"Into the Picture: Husserl's Picture Theory – and Two Types of Pictures"
"Peirce and Cassirer – the Kroisian Connection. Vistas and open issues in John Krois’ philosophical semiotics"
"Mereology. Parts and Wholes in Phenomenology and Semiotics”
Review of Ponzio and Petrilli "Thomas Sebeok. An Introduction"
Bundgaard & Stjernfelt "René Thom’s Semiotics and its Sources"
Review of Eco "Kant and the Platypus"
Review of John Deely: "Four Ages of Understanding"
"Spatial Cognition Strategies in Map and Diagram Reasoning”
“Symbol and Schema in Neo-Kantian Semiotics - The Philosophies of Cassirer and Peirce: Contributions to a Semiotics Implying an Epistemology”
"The Generality of sSigns: The Actual relevance of Anti-Psychologism"
"Thermodynamic metaphors: A discussion of basic ideas in cognitive semantics examplified in a hot topic"
Bundgaard, Østergaard, Stjernfelt "Waterproof Fire Stations. Conceptual Schemata and Cognitive Operations Involved in Compound Constructions"
Social and Political issues
"Grader af gader. Det offentlige rum i Sarajevo"
“The Man Who Knew Too Much: Espionage in Reality and Fiction: Regional Ontology and Iconicity"
Nils Gunder Hansen & Frederik Stjernfelt "Fodens kultivering og det stiliserede slag. Fodbold - spil, struktur og udvikling"
"Liberal Multiculturalism as Political Philosophy: Will Kymlicka"
"Life Itself – Philosophy of Life and Conservatism"
“Looks Like Rain. Lille note om avalens, poesi og totalitarisme”
"Locale, street, square – a naive theory of the city"
"DET ONDE BLØDDYR. Ondskaben oplever en renæssance – men findes den?"
"Too Little culture - too Much Culture: The Strange Coexistence of two Opposite Notions of Culture"
"What is Culturalism? The Anatomy of a Contemporary Disease in Academia and Politics"
“Den xenofobiske arvesynd. Xenofobi som problem i videnskab og politik - forsøg på et overblik”